
9/10 April 2022 webinar: A tribute to Samuel Hahnemann by Prof. George Vithoulkas

Dear Medical Professionals, Homeopaths, and Students, nn Join us on the 9/10th April for our new webinar: n “A Tribute to Samuel Hahnemann, by Prof. George Vithoulkas. n Case Management – Acutes during Chronic Treatment” n 9/10th April 2022, 13.00-18.00pm UK time nn Professor George Vithoulkas will enlighten us with Samuel Hahnemann’s ingenuity, give live […]

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Materia Viva Volume 13, Kali arsenicosum to Kreosotum

The Materia Viva Volume 13, Kali arsenicosum to Kreosotum is now available! nn “Homeopathic professionals have been asking me for a long time to write my own Materia Medica in order that the information imparted through my teachings and courses over the years should reach a wider audience. To date, this information has only been

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An exciting official mobile application platform from Professor George Vithoulkas DISCOVER the official Vithoulkas App n ​ n CONNECT & EXCHANGE with diplomates worldwide n ​ n EXPLORE news, videos, webinars, scientific papers, clinical cases n ​ n CHAT with the largest homeopathic fraternity of all time n ​ n Stay Connected – anytime –

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UDiHoP’s new board

Dear Diploma Holders of IACH,nThe scientific association Union for Diplomate Homeopathic Physicians (UDiHoP) https://www.udihop.net was established with the objective of disseminating Classical Homeopathy according to the principles of Hahnemann, Kent and George Vithoulkas. nPlease be informed that according to the results of an Election held on October 18, 2021, new Administrative Bodies of the Union

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