Dear Diploma Holders of IACH,nThe scientific association Union for Diplomate Homeopathic Physicians (UDiHoP) was established with the objective of disseminating Classical Homeopathy according to the principles of Hahnemann, Kent and George Vithoulkas.

nPlease be informed that according to the results of an Election held on October 18, 2021, new Administrative Bodies of the Union were elected.
nTo the Administrative Board of UDiHoP the following physicians were elected:
n1. Dr. Tamara Kozymenko (Ukraine)n2. Dr. Atul Jaggi (India)n3. Dr. Nataliia Kolomiiets (Ukraine)n4. Dr. Nadia Kubasheva (Russia)n5. Dr. Silvia Vasile (Romania)nTo the Audit Committee of UdiHoP the following physicians were elected:n1. Dr. Seema Mahesh (India)n2. Dr. Dmitry Chabanov (Russia)n3. Dr. Ramon Unzuetta (Colombia)nThe first meeting of the Administrative Board took place on October 25, 2021 with the agenda – Election of President, General Secretary and Treasurer of UDiHoP.nBased on the results of voting,nDr. Tamara Kozymenko was elected as President of UDiHoPnDr. Atul Jaggi was elected as Secretary General of UDiHoPnDr. Natalia Kolomiiets was elected as Treasurer of UDiHoPn
We would like to invite all Diploma Holders of the IACH to take an active part in the work of the Union. During this unprecedented period of world-wide change together with the new challenges these changes will bring, one of the most important conditions for the survival of Classical Homeopathy is the scientific substantiation of the traditional Hahnemannian method. Combining our efforts in this direction will allow us to show the immense possibilities of homeopathy as well as to strengthen its scientific base, both of which have always been a great vision of our esteemed Teacher Professor George Vithoulkas.n
Sincerely Yours,n
Dr. Tamara Kozymenko, PhD,nPresident of UDiHoP