“You are a fantastic team that does not only know how to put together a coherent and interesting seminar but on top of that things absolutely to perfection. The gathering was not just ‘useful, it beamed with love right through the computer pixels and your feelings, of love for you were automatically reciprocated with all the love my heart is capable of producing. What a little miracle to happen worldwide, don’t you think?! You made my life a lot brighter but also fuller in knowledge. I’m so utterly happy and grateful that you re-stated Hahnemann’s and actually now more Prof. Vithoulkas’ Classical Homeopathy so well with your transparant cases and explanations of how to become more ‘scientific’ without leaving our wonderful homeopathic approach. It was all a delight. Thank you so much. I’m proud to be part of being your student.”nFrance
“The webinar was excellent and I really do feel I got a lot out of it. The case presentations were very good. Actually, everything was excellent. I look forward to this again. The value of these webinars is better than all the treasure in the world. Thank you again to the entire team for your hard work.”nUSA
“I congratulate you on the weekend webinar, it was excellent in its content and in the form. Both Saturday and Sunday at the end I feel euphoria, full of energy and grateful to God that He has put Professor Vithoulkas on my path with his teachings. I feel honored and grateful to belong to our group. I appreciate all the efforts you make in favor of homeopath.”nSpain
“First I want to thank and congratulate you and the whole IACH team for such a wonderful webinar this weekend! I only wish we could have them more often:) As always, it warms my heart and soul to see all of your smiling faces and especially Professor Vithoulkas’ and to come away enriched and renewed from such great information, especially the reminders for critical case taking points, Materia Medica differentiation and theory. It is so very welcomed and appreciated! Thank you so much for all you have done for each one of us…without you, none of us can continue learning from Profess Vithoulkas and the wonderful IACH team, so that we might carry the torch forward for homeopathy to light the world, by helping so many who otherwise would not be able to be helped.”nUSA
“I want to thank you all for this fruitful and very interesting webinar.nI learned and I reviewed big part of the Materia Medica with my colleagues.nVery interesting cases.nI must say I knew two remedies of two cases from the very beginning and I am so proud!!!nI just love and find the Classical Homeopathy so special!nThank you again for everything! Looking forward to attend the next webinar!”nRomania
“I thank you all; the whole team who made everything possible and of course the very interesting contributions, cases and especially my thanks to George Vithoulkas, who in his modesty and knowledge is a great example for me.nHis captivating lectures could go on “endlessly” for me. I wish you all good health.nMay homeopathy manifest itself everywhere.!!”nGermany
“Thank you for providing practitioners from all around the world with an opportunity to learn from the best! Discussions about important questions related to homeopathy, its place in the world and how to help for it to be treated with the respect it deserves, were very insightful. The difficult cases presented served, not only as excellent examples of good practice but showed what homeopathy can achieve when applied correctly.”nAustralia
“This was another excellent webinar. Bravo to the team for the professional and always-friendly-organisation. And Bravo to Latika, Atul, Seema and Mahesh who have everything which is needed to be remarkable and great homeopaths. They were able to give us the perfect examples how to follow the big foot prints of Prof. Vithoulkas. Excellent presentations and excellent dedication to the classical homeopathy! I just loved everything about their work.nThanks to all of you.”nGermany
“I would like to say: let’s resonate on one frequency – the one, that broadcasts kindness, sincere participation and which is guided by the pure principles and teachings of our beloved teacher!nOur mission is so honorable, so let’s follow only the highest quality standards and ideals of classical homeopathy.nWebinars like these- are our best guides on how to do it right.nWith great love for the whole team and family and my special love for dearest Maria, Atul, Latika, Seema, Mahesh and Professor Vithoulkas.nThank you very much!”nUkraine
“An amazing webinar, loads of hard work done behind this, heartfelt thanks to each and everyone of the team of IACH. The audio and video quality was superb, the case presentation by the teachers and the best part to hear live Prof. Vithoulkas Sir, nothing can surpass this. Once again a big thank you to all!nIndia
What a fantastic webinar with great learning. Anytime you arrange such an event – I will join you!! Well done to all the team for such a successful and well-run event. Please also pass on my special thanks to Dr Latika Jaggi, for her infectious enthusiasm and clear presentation.nTo dear Professor George Vithoulkas for his pertinent insights and guidance to encourage us to be more effective in our work and study. Such clearly presented research guidance and inspiration from Seema Mahesh. Thanks to Mahesh Mallappa for the thought provoking differential diagnosis of symptoms. To Dr Atul Jaggi for the detailed case studies he presented, with suggestions for developing our learning. Every minute was appreciated. Thanks to Maria and the technical team for making it happen. Please pass on my thanks to all involved.”nUK
“To all of you who had exposed cases and answered questions, and Specifically to Our Dear Professor George Vithoulkas, I would like to thank but I feel that I cannot find enough words to express my gratitude. To be able to hear Professor George with such knowledge, kindness and Humility, has no prize. He is such an incredible person that it’s difficult to explain the emotion he awakes on me. We are honored to be able to hear his teachings and be his pupils.nAnd I say “we” because I was talking to other participants, that felt exactly the same !nThe homeopaths that you choose to teach, really explained the rules very clearly and also have chosen very interesting cases to teach many many things at least to me.nPlease keep doing more Seminars and hope next summer at the Academy!!!nThank you very very much, I miss being at Alonissos because being and studying there it’s priceless!!”nIsrael
“I can only grade the webinar with highest mark possible, you even managed to keep the spirit of Alonissos alive! I am honored to be a part of this wonderful team and deeply thankful to learn from such medical professionals. I am looking forward to a new webinar and to improve the knowledge. Thank you all and God bless our beloved Professor!”nSlovenia
“The webinar consolidated some fundamental concepts in my mind and it was wonderful to hear Professor Vithoulkas share his latest thoughts in these difficult and confusing times. It was fantastic to follow the thorough thinking processes of Dr. Mahesh Mallapa and Dr. Atul Jaggi, which led to such beautiful results as they followed Professor Vithoulkas’ teaching. Dr. Seema Mahesh’s conferences were very enlightening on how to best present case reports, pointing out pitfalls and challenges whilst giving great guidance and encouragement which will surely help ensure better quality reports in the future. Each conference was very enriching on its own and all conferences complemented each other really well. And Dr. Latika Jaggi’s heartfelt presentations brought all conferences together in a beautiful, warm way.”nUK