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UDiHoP’s new board

Dear Diploma Holders of IACH,nThe scientific association Union for Diplomate Homeopathic Physicians (UDiHoP) was established with the objective of disseminating Classical Homeopathy according to the principles of Hahnemann, Kent and George Vithoulkas. nPlease be informed that according to the results of an Election held on October 18, 2021, new Administrative Bodies of the Union

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Webinar with world leading homeopath Prof. George Vithoulkas

on November 20 and 21, 15.00 – 20.00 Greek time nn It has always been crucial to gain a cutting-edge education in homeopathy and this has been tirelessly enabled by the world’s leading homeopath, Prof. George Vithoulkas. Following our pattern of excellence in education, our second popular Webinar is being proceeded by another exciting “Webinar

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The Benefits of studying Classical Homeopathy, by Prof. George Vithoulkas

Dear Students and perspective Students of Homeopathy, nn I am sure you all know that there are different ways of applying homeopathy, but Hahnemann has taught only one way, and it is obvious that he knew better than anybody else how to apply it correctly : one must try to find the unique homeopathic remedy

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