After completing my Bachelor’s degree in Homeopathy, and the training at Institute of Clinical Research in Homeopathy and various Homeopathic OPDs, I started my self-practice in 2012. I can say that doing this great E-Learning Program and learning from Prof. Vithoulkas himself from his great video lectures was MY BEST EXPERIENCE of learning Homeopathy! Prof. Vithoulkas’ understanding of ‘Life’, ‘Health’, ‘Disease’ and ‘Homeopathy’ is par excellence; he is, like what Samuel Hahnemann has explained in Aphorism 3 in Organon of Medicine, “a true practitioner of the healing art!” The lectures were amazing, in-depth and, in many instances, eye-opening and have helped me tremendously to improve my practice. I thank you, dear Professor, for sharing your invaluable knowledge and my heartfelt thanks to your awesome team for making this program easier to access from the convenience of our homes. I am proud to be your student and the holder of IACH’s prestigious diploma!”